Home / Development / DCCAM PROVINCIAL CENTER: Veal Veng Reconciliation Center
VEAL VENG RECONCILIATION CENTER (VVRC) is a field office of Documentation Center of Cambodia. It’s headquarter office is situated in Veal Veng district, Pursat Province which was a former Khmer Rouge stronghold. Veal Veng is the central part of Cardamom Mountains which is located in the northwest of Cambodia. In Cambodia, if people mention about Cardamom Mountains they prefer to the mountain in Pursat province where is the homeland of ethnic minority group, Por and Chorng that have the best known as Traditional Dancing Pick Cardamom fruit which grow on Cardamom Mountains within Veal Veng district of Pursat province. Currently, ethnic minority, Por and Chorng live in O-Saom commune, Veal Veng district Pursat province. Veal Veng district is approximately 320 kilometers from Phnom Penh in northwest part of Cambodia nearby Cambodia-Thailand border (Thma Da border checkpoint), and it around 120 kilometers from Pursat provincial town. The district can be reached by Road Number 56 which links Pursat and Veal Veng across the Kavanh district. During Democratic Kampuchea (1975-1979), Veal Veng area was within sector 6 of Northwestern Zone which was one among the places the Khmer Rouge forced transfer people from Phnom Penh and most of the people died because of starvation, overwork; and execution. In 1979, after the Vietnamese troops arrived in Cambodia, a majority of upper level Khmer Rouge cadres, top military leaders, workers from Phnom Penh, cadres from various zones, and regional cadres escaped to the Khmer-Thai border.
Veal Veng is a former place where the Khmer Rouge soldiers took shelter and used guerrilla tactics to ambush the Vietnamese troops and People’s Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) troops who were stationed near the area. There were two Khmer Rouge divisions, the second and third divisions, stationing along Khmer-Thai border, starting from the Koh Kong to the Thma Da of Veal Veng area. Tim Ren, Ta Mok’s son-in-law, led the second division. Tim Ren’s wife is Krou, Ta Mok’s daughter, and that Tim Seng, former deputy chief of division 164 based in Kampong Som between 1975 and 1979, led the third division. Meas Mut, a former division 164 chief and former son-in-law of Ta Mok, served as a commander in chief along the border of Koh Kong province, Thma Da and Samlot district, Battambong province. After the integration of the Khmer Rouge forces by the Cambodian government in 1996, Veal Veng was created as a new district in Pursat province. Veal Veng comprises of five communes: Pramoy, Anlong Reap, O Ta Som, Kra Peu Pi, and Thma Da. Veal Veng has a population of 13,822 people—3,197 families; and more than 50 percent of the population in Veal Veng constitutes former Khmer Rouge cadres. Aside from this subgroup, there are those who come from different provinces to make a living, attracted to the huge space of land which makes it easier for them to farm. Furthermore, Veal Veng covers thousands of valuable forest land consisting of mountains and wildlife animals, including but not limited to, elephants, tigers, wild oxen, wild buffalos, deers, and boas.
Long Dany, Director
Veal Veng Reconciliation Center
e: truthdany.l@dccam.org
t: +855 (0) 12 772 077
Pramaoy village, Pramaoy commune,
Veal Veng district, Pursat province
Activities Photos and Reports
Veal Veng Reconciliation Center: Genocide Education
Play highlights Veal Veng Reconciliation Center: Classroom Forum on the History of Democratic Kampuchea (1975-1979). Mach 12, 2025
Veal Veng Reconciliation Center: សកម្មភាពសិស្សានុសិស្សមកពីវិទ្យាល័យហ៊ុនសែនប្រម៉ោយ មកអានសៀវភៅ និងពិភាក្សាចំណេះដឹងអំពីប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្តកម្ពុជាប្រជាធិតេយ្យ(១៩៧៥-១៩៧៩)។ ថ្ងៃទី២៤ ខែមករា ឆ្នាំ២០២៥។
Veal Veng Reconciliation Center: សកមភាពក្រុមការងារទូរទស្សន៍ NHK របស់ប្រទេសជប៉ុនបានចុះថតខ្សែភាពយន្តឯកសារអំពីការងាររបស់មជ្ឈមណ្ឌលផ្សះផ្សាវាលវែង។ ចន្លោះថ្ងៃទី១៥ ដល់ ១៧ ឆ្នាំ២០២៥។
Veal Veng Reconciliation Center: Classroom Forum on the History of Democratic Kampuchea(1975-1979). January 17, 2025
Report archives
- Veal Veng Reconciliation Center: Film Screening for High School Students. October 16, 2024
- Veal Veng Reconciliation Center: Supporting Khmer Rouge Genocide Survivors with Disabilities. October 15, 2024
- Veal Veng Reconciliation Center: Supporting Khmer Rouge Genocide Survivors with Disabilities. September 18, 2024
- Veal Veng Reconciliation Center: Supporting Khmer Rouge Genocide Survivors with Disabilities, Dey Krahom village, Anlong Reap Commune Veal Veng District, Pursat Province. August 10, 2024
- Genocide Education, Genocide Prevention. Veal Veng Reconciliation Center: Classroom Forum on the History of Democratic Kampuchea (1975-1979). August 8, 2024
- Veal Veng Reconciliation Center: 20Youths From Hun Sen Bak Chenhchean High school Visited the Military History Techo Zone’s Chen Yum. August 8, 2024
- Veal Veng Reconciliation Center: Supporting Khmer Rouge Genocide Survivors with Disabilities. July 9-10, 2024
- Veal Veng Reconciliation Center: Monitoring and Evaluation Classroom Forum with 10 Students in Hun Sen Phnom Kravanh and Talo High Schools . June 8, 2024
- KHMER ROUGE RAILWAYS: Genocide & Democracy Study Tour For the Youth. The Forced Transfer, The Second Evacuation of People During The Khmer Rouge Regime (1975-1979). Led by Veal Veng Reconciliation Team, CamboCorps –Railway track, Group 2. April 6, 2024
- Veal Veng Reconciliation Center: Monitoring and Evaluation With 5 Khmer Rouge’s Survivor’s Por Minority in Tuol Kakoh Village Pramaoy Commune Veal Veng District Pursat Province. March 21, 2024
- Genocide Education, Genocide Prevention. Veal Veng Reconciliation Center: Classroom Forum on the History of Democratic Kampuchea (1975-1979). March 19, 2024
- Veal Veng Reconciliation Center. Cambo Corps, Group 8. Home Visit to the Khmer Rounge Survivors. Week 3, March 18, 2024
- Veal Veng Reconciliation Center. Cambo Corps, Group 8. Home Visit to the Khmer Rounge Survivors. Week 4. March 16, 2024
- Veal Veng Reconciliation Center. Oral History Project in Sre Taingya village Pramaoy commune Veal Veng district Pursat province. February 5, 2024
- GENOCIDE EDUCATION, GENOCIDE PREVENTION. Oral History on the History of Democratic Kampuchea (1975-1979). Veal Veng Reconciliation Center. Krapeu Pi village Krapeu Pi commune Veal Veng district Pursat province. January 23, 2024
- Veal Veng Reconciliation Center: ” Access to Social and Health” . Health Forum For 220 Khmer Rouge Survivors In Pursat Province. January 18, 2024
- Veal Veng Reconciliation Center: Access to Health and Social Service for the Khmer Rouge Survivors. Health Screening for 220 Khmer Rouge Survivors in Veal Veng District, Pursat Province. January 16-17, 2024
- Veal Veng Reconciliation Center: Oral History Project in Krapeu Pi Leu Village, Krapeu Pi Commune, Veal Veng District, Pusat Province. Jaunuary 8, 2024
- Veal Veng Reconciliation Center: Oral History Project in Dei Kraham Village, Anlong Reap Commune, Veal Veng District, Pusat Province. January 3, 2024
- Veal Veng Reconciliation Center: Oral History Project in Krapeu Pi Kraom Villiage, Krapeu Pi Commune, Veal Veng District, Pursat Province. December 19, 2023
- OURDOOR CLASSROOM READING HISTORY. Witness to History: The Journal of Cambodia’s Queen Mother. Veal Veng Reconciliation Center. November 23, 2023
- Veal Veng Reconciliation Center: 17 youths from Phnom Kravanh district visited the historical site of O’ Neary (Stung Karch). November 22, 2023
- Genocide Education, Genocide Prevention. Veal Veng Reconciliation Center: Classroom Forum on the History of Democratic Kampuchea (1975-1979) and Book Distribution: Witness to History-The Journal of Cambodia’s Queen Mother. November 22, 2023
- Home Visit With 12 Families on The History of Democratic Kampuchea (1975-1979) and Book Distribution: Witness to History, The Journal of Cambodia’s Queen. Krapeu Pi Villiage, Krapeu Pi Commune, Veal Veng District, Pursat Province. 25 October, 2023
- CamboCorps, Group 7. Veal Veng Reconciliation Center, Pursat province. October 9, 2023
- Veal Veng Reconciliation Center: Book distribution of Witness to History, the Journal of Cambodia’s Queen Mother and Community Khmer Rouge History Education Forum in Krapeu-pi village. September 5, 2023
- 205 Book Distribution: Witness to History -The Journal of Cambodia’s Queen Mother. Veal Veng Reconciliation Center. August 24, 2023
- CamboCorps Volunteers Forum. Veal Veng Reconciliation Center. August 24, 2023
- Meeting with 17 KR Survivors with disabilities in Stung Thmey village Pramaoy commune Veal Veng District Pursat Province. Veal Venng Reconciliation Center. August 22, 2023
- 200 Books of Witness to History The Journal of Cambodia’s Queen Mother Were Distributed To Monks, Survivors, Teachers and Students in Veal Veng District Pursat Province. Veal Veng Reconciliation Center. July 27-28,2023
- GENOCIDE EDUCATION. Community Education Forum in Stoeng Thmey (Tuol Ka-Koh) village, Pramaoy commune Veal Veng district, Pursat province. Veal Veng Reconciliation Center. July 6, 2023
- Veal Veng Reconciliation Center. Research on Life of Women after the Khmer Rouge. June 6-9, 2023
- DC-Cam’s Mobile Center: Veal Veng Reconciliation Center. May 23-25, 2023
- DC-Cam’s Mobile Center: Veal Veng Reconciliation Center. May 09-11, 2023
- DC-Cam’s Mobile Center: Veal Veng Reconciliation Center. March 28-29, 2023