THE TEACHER GUIDE BOOK: The Teaching of “A History of Democratic Kampuchea (1975-1979)” – Chea Phala, Ed.D, & Christopher Dearing, Esq Translated by Pheng Pong-Rasy, Dy Khamboly (2010)

This guidebook would not have been possible without the hard work of countless individuals, some of whom have been instrumental to its success. I would like to thank H.E. Mr. Im Sethy for both his commitment to genocide education for Cambodia’s children and his commitment to justice for Khmer Rouge victims. I would also like […]

BROTHER ENEMY – Nayan Chanda Translated by Tep Meng Khean (2007)

This book by the bureau chief for the Far Eastern Economic Review examines the third Indochina War and offers an explanation for the Cambodian genocide. Chanda posits that the Khmer Rouge built their revolution at breakneck speed to prepare for a life-and- death struggle against the Vietnamese, and the means they used to do this […]


This new book by Ian Harris, Professor of Buddhist Studies at the University of Cumbria, UK, explores the fate of Buddhism before, during, and shortly after Democratic Kampuchea. Prum Phalla of the Documentation Center of Cambodia provided research assistance on this project. Dr. Harris begins with an examination of Buddhism under Sihanouk and Lon Nol, […]

JOURNEY TO FREEDOM: Ronnie Yimsut Translated by Eng Kok-Thay (2006)

In this memoir, Cambodian-American Yimsut recalls his experiences as a 15-year old boy who survived five years of civil war, three years in a labor camp, Thai prison, and refugee camps before becoming a naturalized US citizen. Funding provided by NZAID (New Zealand) and the author.

THE CHAM REBELLION: Survivors’ Stories from the Villages, Ysa Osman (2006)

In October 1975, two Cham Muslim villages in Kampong Cham province staged brief and ill-fated rebellions against their oppressors, who had banned the practice of Islam. Armed with swords, knives, sticks, stones and two guns, they killed a member of the subdistrict committee and the  chief of the district youth group. After the rebellions were […]

THE KHMER ROUGE TRIBUNAL, John D. Ciorciari (2006)

Between April 1975 and January 1979, the radical Khmer Rouge regime subjected Cambodians to a wave of atrocities that left over one in four Cambodians dead. For nearly three decades, call for justice went unanswered, and the architects of Khmer Rouge terror enjoyed almost unfettered impunity. Only recently has a tribunal been established to put […]